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Native vs. non-native packages

I maintain a number of my own Haskell libraries as Debian native

I do that because of convenience and because that is how I maintain
them: they are Debian native, because building them as Debian packages
is my development environment.

After some suggestions here recently, I decided to try maintaining
them as "regular" Debian packages.  One branch (master) with the
upstream code, and the debian/ branch containing nothing but the
debian/ files as diffs atop master.  The debian tar.gz file *is* the
upstream file that I post for others to use.

I found quickly this was seriously annoying.  I'd go try to build a
Debian package, and the build would fail somewhere.  Somewhere that
required a hack to a .cabal or .hs file.  I'd have to remember to go
switch to master branch to commit it, then switch back to debian
branch, merge, and re-build.  And if I forget to do that, more trouble
later, for everyone not on Debian.

My conclusion is that this is not a reasonable way to work.  Does
someone else have a suggestion?

-- John

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