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Re: [Debian-haskell] Activity?

Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:

> For instance, the current Ocaml compiler in Debian is far more recent
> that the Haskell one. I've only been using Haskell for a couple of
> weeks now and have already been hit with missing libraries and packages
> (bytestring, cabal) and the inability to compile code I find on the  
> net because it requires a more recent compiler (DDC).

I'm confused.  Both ByteString and Cabal have been in Debian for ages.
Can you be more specific about what version of Debian you're using and
what you're missing?

> It may ve that this is due to the faster pace of Haskell development
> which means that the Ocaml people have an easier time of keeping up.

That may have something to do with it.  The Haskell community is really
pushing hard to make the library installation experience a good one.  I
think they have started from a better place than OCaml even (all the
numerous OCaml build systems and all that stuff isn't there in Haskell).
 But there have been a lot of changes in how libraries are handled in
the upstream code in the last few major GHC releases.

-- John

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