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Re: debian zaurus vnc troubles

* Klaus Weidner <kw@w-m-p.com> [2004-05-08 02:34]:
> On Sat, May 08, 2004 at 12:41:22AM -0500, Derrick Kearney wrote:
> > yeah, i mount it as ext2
> > 
> > /dev/mmcda1     /mnt/card ext2 defaults,noauto,noatime,user,exec,suid
> Please check the output of the "mount" command (no options) after
> inserting the card, and remounting it to enable the options.

After using the "mount" command i realized that it was being mounted
with the nodev option. So I went back to my /etc/fstab line and removed
all of the options except for defaults (noauto,noatime,user,exec,suid).

I reinstalled and my vnc server comes up with no device errors and I can
get all my aterms now as well. 

Apparently the "user" option on my /etc/fstab mount line is what sets
the nodev flag when I mount /dev/mmcda1.

The ssh install completed, I'm not sure how that will work if i'm
running sshd on my chroot'd debian and on OZ, but we'll see what magic
can happen.

I'll work on documentation after I get a few more things setup in the

Thanks for the help

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