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Connecting Zaurus to Debian unstable

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I#ve recently upgraded my Debian box from stable to unstable. Since then
I've two problems connecting my Zaurus:

1. The hotplug script did not bring up the usb0 interface anymore. I
looked at the /etc/hotplug/net.agent script and found the following line:

exec /sbin/ifup $INTERFACE$LIFACE

$LIFACE is set to "=hotplug", that means the script tries to execute the
command ifup usb0=hotplug. What is that good for? I've not found
anything in the manpages for ifup or interfaces whcih would allow such a
However, it works if you remove the $LIFACE variable.

2. If I insert the Z and the usb0 interface is set up everything works
fine. But *before* I remove the Z from the cradle I have to run ifdown
usb0, otherwise I'll get a nice kernel panic the next time I insert the Z.
I only have this problem when using a 2.4.22 kernel with usbnet, my old
kernel 2.4.20 with the usbdnet patch still works fine.
Has anybody experienced this behavior? Perhaps I should try the 2.4.21
kernel, too. Or file a bug.

Perhaps we can find solutions for this problems.

Best regards,
Philipp Wolfer

- --
Philipp Wolfer <ph.wolfer@newswriter.org>

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