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Re: just a little Opie status...

On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 02:57:08PM -0700, Chris Larson wrote:
> Ivan,
> I don't believe we've been introduced, I'm Chris Larson, and run the
> OpenZaurus linux distro for the Sharp Zaurus, which includes Opie by
> default.  I also contribute to the Opie project, and designed the
> current Opie buildsystem as you see it.
> If there are any lacking functions in the opie buildsystem you need,
> other than 'make install' on a per package basis, let me know.  Sane
> installation is nearly done, and on the TODO.  Nice work on the
> packaging, I'm glad to see that happening.  Out of curiosity, what
> changes were necessary to the stock debian qt/e?  Thanks.


 umm...changes...mostly Debian-specific things to make it follow Debian
policy and all.  Let me think..outside of the debian/ subdir what did I 
change...umm... anything that tried to modify anything outside of the
source tree.  IIRC there is a piece that updates .h files in $(QTDIR)/include
...hmm...a bunch of stuff I just realized were not being used and I Didn't
need to modify. :)

what else...

the HAVE_MMX setting piece ... -DHAVE_MMX -> -UHAVE_MMX  as stated in
the online documentation... 

added /usr/include/freetype2 to the INCLUDEPATH list in:

-prefix = /opt/QtPalmtop
+prefix = /usr

and a bunch of other pieces in include.pro to follow policy...god I have no
clue how much breakage this will cause yet. :)  (ie, prefix/pics to 

rpath removals...

and with that I have about 99% of the lintian errors gone...but I haven't
even gotten to making sure that everything is actually getting installed beyond
the bin's and libs.  :)  

Anything I change outside of debian/ will be patch based so if there is desire
to add this to CVS it could without worry of making the source Debian-centric.
(if that's even a concern)


Ivan E. Moore II
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