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Announcing the debian-handheld mailing list

I'm copying this message to everyone who has contacted me expressing
interest in the Debian Zaurus project.  I apologize if anyone has been
duplicated; I made a quick manual pass over the list of addresses and
removed any duplicates.  I also removed anyone that I knew to be a Debian
developer, since an announcement is being sent to debian-devel-announce.

A new mailing list has been created[1], debian-handheld@lists.debian.org.  You
can subscribe by sending mail with 'subscribe' in the subject to
debian-handheld-request@lists.debian.org.  See http://lists.debian.org/ for
more information.

It is my hope that this list will become a forum for organizing efforts
toward bringing Debian to the Zaurus.  I have been in contact with several
of you who have been independently working on this, as I have (as time
permits), and it is clear that we would benefit from being able to organize
our efforts on a public mailing list.

Soon, perhaps in a few days when those interested have had time to
subscribe, I'll post an update with everything that I know about the status
of the various projects. These include, at least:

- getting more handheld-oriented software packaged in Debian, including
  embedded-friendly desktop environments, applications and system tools

- creating a full-featured bootable Debian image for the Zaurus/SL-5xxx, to
  run as its primary OS

- projects to run Debian or otherwise use Debian packaged software as an
  adjunct to a Zaurus running a mini-distribution such as OpenZaurus or the
  stock software

- doing similar things for handheld PCs other than the Zaurus

There has been a lot of interest in these efforts, and I have not been able
to devote as much time as they deserve in recent months, but this is
starting to change, and there are many others who are actively working.

If you are working on a project of your own, and could send a brief email
either to myself or to the mailing list, I will include the information that
you provide in my summary.

I hope that many of you will join us on debian-handheld, and I look forward
to continuing development efforts.

 - mdz

[1] more accurately, the old mailing list debian-pilot@lists.debian.org has
been renamed and expanded to encompass many kinds of handheld devices, which
are capable of running Debian themselves, or have integration software which
runs on a Debian system.

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