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Re: RFS: Update TrustedQSL to upstream release 2.7.3

Hello Loren,

On Sun, Apr 21, 2024 at 07:49:49PM -0700, Loren M. Lang wrote:
> Hello Debian HAM Team,
> I am interested in joining and helping keep up some of the HAM Radio
> software in Debian. I have been helping to maintain backports of
> TrustedQSL for various Ubuntu releases for the last year:
> https://launchpad.net/~penguin359/+archive/ubuntu/trustedqsl
> And lately have been getting into helping more with various Debian
> packages directly. I saw that a new release of TrustedQSL was published
> a couple weeks ago and decided to help import it into Debian. I have
> published my work on Salsa and created MR #1 with the proposed updates:
> https://salsa.debian.org/debian-hamradio-team/trustedqsl/-/merge_requests/1

Thank you!

> I realize that Merge Requests are a little awkward for managing Debian
> packaging workflows due to maintaining multiple branches so let me know
> if there is a better procedure I should be following for this. I have
> pushed updated branches for master, upstream, and pristine-tar along
> with tags to my fork of the repo for review.

Yes, I don't know of a (good) reference workflow for new sponsored
uploads of new upstream releases.  When I sponsor, I typically have
sponsorees either create a MR for only the main/master branch or 
upload their source package to mentors.debian.net.  Pushing all 3
branches is fine too.

> One little issue I did run into was that it seems the recent 2.7.2
> release wasn't quite merged in correctly. It was tagged, but the
> upstream branch was not updated to match or merged into the master
> branch. I started by doing a fast-forward to the upstream/2.7.2 tag and
> then creating a merge into master before doing any other work on the
> branch. The Git tree object is identical so the resulting merge will
> create an identical checkout, but it will include the appropriate
> upstream commit in the history from the import of the original, pristine
> tarball.

This was my mistake.  My apologies for the hassle.  Thank you for
addressing it.

> Thanks for any feedback with this proposed release.

I will take a look in the next week and either provide feedback or

Thank you!

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