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RFS: Update TrustedQSL to upstream release 2.7.3

Hello Debian HAM Team,

I am interested in joining and helping keep up some of the HAM Radio
software in Debian. I have been helping to maintain backports of
TrustedQSL for various Ubuntu releases for the last year:


And lately have been getting into helping more with various Debian
packages directly. I saw that a new release of TrustedQSL was published
a couple weeks ago and decided to help import it into Debian. I have
published my work on Salsa and created MR #1 with the proposed updates:


I realize that Merge Requests are a little awkward for managing Debian
packaging workflows due to maintaining multiple branches so let me know
if there is a better procedure I should be following for this. I have
pushed updated branches for master, upstream, and pristine-tar along
with tags to my fork of the repo for review.

One little issue I did run into was that it seems the recent 2.7.2
release wasn't quite merged in correctly. It was tagged, but the
upstream branch was not updated to match or merged into the master
branch. I started by doing a fast-forward to the upstream/2.7.2 tag and
then creating a merge into master before doing any other work on the
branch. The Git tree object is identical so the resulting merge will
create an identical checkout, but it will include the appropriate
upstream commit in the history from the import of the original, pristine

Thanks for any feedback with this proposed release.

Loren M. Lang


Public Key: http://www.north-winds.org/lorenl_pubkey.asc
Fingerprint: 7896 E099 9FC7 9F6C E0ED  E103 222D F356 A57A 98FA

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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