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choosing USB-GPIO for radio and accessory control

Hi all,

I would like to try and use the 5V outputs from a GPIO to switch the
relays in a band-pass filter[1] and maybe other things like PTT control.

Has anybody tried any of the USB-GPIO modules for their desktop/laptop,
especially those that work with Debian or other Linux distributions?

Search engines find a few possibilities:

- crowdfunded RTk.GPIO[2], £11.99, aims to have the same pin-out and API
as the Raspberry Pi

- Adafruit FT232H Breakout[3] - General Purpose USB to GPIO+SPI+I2C, $14.95

- Numato Lab 8 channel USB GPIO[4] - $19.95 (screw terminals on this one)

- eBay has generic[5] devices for £1.05

Has anybody tried any of them?  Can anybody suggest others?



2. https://ryanteck.uk/electronics/166-rtkgpio.html
3. https://www.adafruit.com/product/2264
4. https://numato.com/8-channel-usb-gpio-module-with-analog-inputs/

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