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Re: Actualisation of K1JT programs

thanks KI7MT,

I will test your package on launchpad.
FanJun Kong, BH1SCW

On Sat, Dec 31, 2016 at 3:38 AM, ki7mt <ki7mt@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi Peter,

This is well in hand. A number of items were preventing updating the
repository version of WSJT-X, most have been resolved. The last
remaining item is Hamlib. Nate and his dev-team are about to release
v3.1, at which point, we can use Hamlib v3.1 to build WSJT-X v7.0~
against (once the version hits the repo of course).

In the interim, I have (2) PPA's covering the package. One to track the
development branch and the other released versions. At present, they are
both at the same svn revision:



As for WSPR, WSJT-X includes a new and improved WSPR. It has a new
decoder which is far superior to what is resides WSPR (Python version)
and WSPR-X (QT4/5 version).

There are "many" new features and improvements in WSJT-X v1.7,
including: a new JT65 decoder, EME Modes, etc. See item [1] below.

[1] http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/v1.7_Features.txt

Greg, KI7MT

Launchpad....: https://launchpad.net/~ki7mt
Ubuntu Hams..: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-hams-devel
Debian Hams..: https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-hamradio/
JTSDK........: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jtsdk/
OpenPGP......: C177 6630 7115 78FE 9A2B 9F7F 18C0 F6B7 0DA2 F991

On 12/30/2016 03:54 AM, kaufmannpeter3@t-online.de wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I noticed that the wsjt-x package is very outdated in the official
> repository. Wsjt-x in the Debian repository has version 1.1 but according
> to the K1JT website version 1.7 is the current one. Can you renew the
> package please? It would be great if this happens before the new Stretch
> release.
> Another point which should be considered is the inclusion of the
> wspr-software. It would be great to find a recent wspr-x package in Stretch
> as well!
> Thank you for all the great work for the ham and Debian community!
> Peter

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