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Re: cw contest logger in Debian

Hi Drew,

On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 08:55:22AM -0700, Drew Arnett wrote:
> Does anyone else do cw contest logging on Debian?  What do you use?

I am using yfktest for almost all of my HF contest operation (still
using the pretty aged version 0.0.9 from 2008; it does everything I

The project was taken over by W9YA a few years ago and developed
further quite a bit, but I have not followed it closely. Probably
makes sense to use the latest version.
See https://fkurz.net/ham/yfktest.html
(you need to pull the sources from SVN, there is no Debian package.)

Another project worth looking at is TLF; originally by PA0R(CT) but
recently adopted by DL1JBE: https://tlf.github.io/

If you're looking for something full-featured: 9A5K recently announced
that he is porting his contest logger "DXlog" (http://dxlog.net/) to
Qt and it will then build on Linux. Not open source though, fwiw.

Fabian, DJ1YFK

Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK      Munich, Germany
fabian@fkurz.net         +49 176 24079617
https://fkurz.net/       http://lcwo.net/

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