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twHamQTH 2.0 released

Hi All,

There is a new release of twHamQTH.  It is a GUI interface for the call
sign data base provided by Petr, OK2CQR at hamQTH.com.  About 40 pieces
of data are down loaded per call, and the data can be easily use by
other programs.  It can also identify stations that are Authenticity
Guaranteed (AG) at eqsl.cc

This version starts faster and maintains a local copy of the AG file
from eqsl.cc.  Additional changes and fixes can be found in the
ChangeLog file.

See http:/wa0eir.bcts.info for the source code tar ball and the rest of
the tw software.


Ted W - wa0eir

There are 10 types of people in this world:
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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