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Re: aprsc in Debian


Thanks for the speedy response.

On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 06:34:30PM +0300, Heikki Hannikainen wrote:
> I'm not sure if that would bring any additional benefit at this point,
> besides adding some complication and slowness to the release process.

The primary benefit I can see is the wider range of platforms that can be
supported. Debian's servers will automatically build packages for every
platform you can imagine. With an increase in the availability and
prevalence of ARM platforms this is definitely something to consider.

> You may, of course, make an official debian package if you wish, but we'll
> still probably be using our local repository in any case, just to make the
> release/upgrade cycles quicker.

I will finish the package, as I have started. I recieve a notification when
new releases are made on GitHub and I do aim to complete new upstream
packages within a week of the release although I understand this may be too
long a delay. It is possible to "pin" certain packages in apt, so that the
latest version from unstable from a package can be used. This can be used to
avoid the 5 day delay for the package to enter the current testing

> Adding receivers / igates / digipeaters to the APRS network, on the other
> hand, is encouraged, and packaging igate software (such as aprx) for as easy
> installation as possible would clearly be beneficial to the system.

I will add aprx to the list of prospective packages for the Debian Hams team
and if no one else has by the time I've finished my current packages, I will
look at packaging it.

Is there any other APRS-related software you'd like to see in Debian that
currently isn't?


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