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Re: Introduction of GNSS-SDR

Hi Carles,

On Thu, Dec 04, 2014 at 10:45:52AM +0100, Carles Fernández wrote:
> I am the upstream maintainer of gnss-sdr, a Global Navigation Satellite
> Systems software defined receiver implemented in C++ and based on the GNU
> Radio framework.

It's always good to see upstream maintainers getting involved in packaging.
Welcome to the team.

> I'm looking for sponsors for this package, and I would like to know if there
> is interest in adding gnss-sdr to the list of amateur-radio related packages
> for Debian.

I've added gnss-sdr into the SDR and non-amateur modes tasks of the Hamradio
Blend. [1]

Once you've started packaging and pushed it to a Git repository in our team
space on Alioth it will get picked up by our tools and be integrated.

Have you looked at Debian packaging before or are you starting from scratch?
If you're new to Debian packaging, I recommend reading the new maintainers
guide [2] to get an idea of how it works.

Once your package is ready, it can be uploaded to mentors.debian.org and a
sponsor can be found. (Depending on how quickly my DD application
progresses, I may even be able to sponsor it myself).

[1]: http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/blends/projects/hamradio.git/commit/
[2]: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/


P.S. I haven't recieved your Alioth username yet, I will need that to add
you to the packaging team to give you access to the team Git space.

e: irl@fsfe.org            w: iain.learmonth.me
x: irl@jabber.fsfe.org     t: +447875886930
c: 2M0STB                  g: IO87we
p: 1F72 607C 5FF2 CCD5 3F01 600D 56FF 9EA4 E984 6C49

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