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Introduction of GNSS-SDR

Dear all,

I am the upstream maintainer of gnss-sdr, a Global Navigation Satellite Systems software defined receiver implemented in C++ and based on the GNU Radio framework.

gnss-sdr implements all the receiving chain, from raw samples delivered by the ADC of a radio frequency front-end up to the computation of posicion, velocity and time. It also provides GNSS observables in standard format that allow the application of high accuracy algorithms such as DGPS, RTK, etc.

The software receiver can work either with a radiofrequency front-end or with a file of raw samples stored in a disk.

I'm looking for sponsors for this package, and I would like to know if there is interest in adding gnss-sdr to the list of amateur-radio related packages for Debian.

The source code is at git://github.com/gnss-sdr/gnss-sdr
More info at: http://gnss-sdr.org

Best regards,
Carles Fernandez

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