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Re: Potential Ham Radio Debian Blend

Hi Greg,

(CCing the list to keep everyone up to date)

On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 08:46:01PM +0000, KI7MT wrote:
> I was discussing Debian packaging with Kamal, and the subject of Debian
> Blends came up as a potential for Ham Radio. He said you had made
> equerries regarding something similar.

Yes. It is my goal to have at least the infrastructure in place for a Ham
Radio blend, if not a release, by jessie+1. This would include putting
together metapackages and using the infrastructure available blends.d.o to
help manage packaging activity.

By jessie+2, I would like to have a custom Ham Radio Blend installer CD, and
there are a number of things that would have to happen to get that done

> What are your thoughts on building a Blend or have you decided against
> the idea? If your still interested in doing something with it, I'd be
> happy to assist.

Currently the most important thing you can do towards the Blend effort is to
use the team's Git for packaging work. You can find instructions for that


By tracking git commits, we're able to use tools like PET and soon the
Blends web sentinels to see which packages are being worked on. This will be
important when it comes to building the metapackages.

I notice you're on your way to becoming a DM, but this doesn't stop you
having access to our Git. Just sign up to alioth.debian.org and email me
your username and I'll add you to the team.

Another benefit of using our Git is that it becomes a lot easier for us to
help you with your packaging work and to look at sponsoring your packages.

Thanks for your work on the wsjt and wspr packages. I look forward to seeing
these new packages in Debian.


e: irl@fsfe.org            w: iain.learmonth.me
x: irl@jabber.fsfe.org     t: +447875886930
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