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Re: Bug#763830: RFP: gqrx -- software defined radio receiver

>>>>> "Iain" == Iain R Learmonth <irl@fsfe.org> writes:
Iain> If no one has shown an interest by the time I've cleared my current queue, I
Iain> will convert this to an ITP and package it myself. This is rather nice
Iain> software and I use it myself. It would be nice to have it in Debian as it
Iain> gives a very low barrier to entry for SDR. Think SDR# but for Linux.

Not only already packaged, but already a good candidate for Jessie and
available in wheezy-backports.

And, since it uses gnuradio, uhd-host and gr-osmosdr, it allows one
to make use of a large amount of available hardware:

 * sysmocom OsmoSDR
 * FUNcube Dongle
 * FUNcube Dongle Pro+
 * IQ File Source
 * Osmocom RTLSDR
 * RTLSDR TCP Client
 * Ettus USRP Devices
 * Osmocom MiriSDR
 * HackRF Jawbreaker
 * nuand bladeRF
 * RFSPACE Receivers
 * AIRSPY Receiver

I invite everyone in debian-hams to try out gqrx!
And, while I am promoting, you may also be interested
in quisk, sdrangelove, and freedv.

73 de aa4hs,

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