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Re: fldigi package

Ed wrote:
Joop Stakenborg wrote:

Hi Alan,

I am not familiar with pskmail myself. If I make a Debian package would
you be able to test it?

Joop, I would also be more than willing to help test pskmail in a .deb package. I am also an alpha tester for fldigi.

I have a million things going on right now, but if you find yourself short of testers for PSKMail as a Debian package, I would also volunteer.

It's the largest "competition" to the completely closed WinMail on-air protocols (PACTOR III) the public safety minded hams are goo-goo about over here in the U.S.

There's been great debate over why they can't publish information on their modulation types done in only one DSP-based modem on the planet as closed-source code.

Personally, I feel having a closed protocol on HF is borderline illegal, but the FCC hasn't agreed over here yet.

PSK doesn't stand up as well to atmospherics, noise... anything... compared with things like Olivia, but on principal, I can't stand that no one but $1000 modem owners can copy PACTOR III. I can't even read a callsign...

Sign me up to test PSKMail!

Nate WY0X

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