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Help with nec2 and xnecview

Would someone be kind enough to help me through getting nec2 and xnecview 
working. I've been reading and playing with this for a few days now and must 
be missing something. Anytime I try to display an opaque view in xnecview I 
get a segmentation fault and NEC2 is always complaining and ending with 
aborted when it stops. Trying to display output files with frequency stepping 
causes xnecview to burn up all the processor time it can get and use all the 
memory in my machine. It is a Athlon XP 2000 with 1 gig of RAM.

I am running the current debian stable with nec2 version 2-9 and xnecview 
version 1.34-2.

I must have something fundamentally wrong in my input file. Could someone send 
me a working input file for a simple dipole, and then we can start from 

Thanks in advance and 73,

Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Stations VA7TO and VE7CLA
Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada

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