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domain FBB.net

hello FBB.

we are a german design-agency dealing with domains.
we just found your website and were wondering if you are interested in our
domain 'www.FBB.net' which would perfectly fit the content of your site.

if you should be interested in this domain, we are looking forward to your
feedback. please do not hesitate to contact us, we might sell this domain
for quite less than its worth! ;-))

in case you are not interested in 'www.FBB.net' please excuse this email. we
won´t contact you again. we just thought, we could offer you a nice deal to
increase your sitevisitors and help building up your website...


sunny greetings,

martin weise
creative director

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
absoluto, design.
schuetzenstrasse 33
63450 hanau
fon  +49.(0)6181.9529800
fax  +49.(0)6181.9529802
mail  info@absoluto.de
web  http://www.absoluto.de

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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