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Re: gmfsk error

Ed Lawson wrote:

The live CD is based on Morphix 4.1 which I believe is based upon SID or some combination of sources that is very close to SID.

The Morprhix-GNOME CD boots into Gnome 2.4.
The Morphix-KDE Cd boots into KDE 3.1
Its much more up to date than Debian stable.

Thanks Ed,

I don't understand why Rein sees errors, gmfsk runs fine here. So I thought he might have outdated libraries on his DD disk.

Once I figure it all out, which might be never, I think it would be very
nice to creaste a Mprphix based Ham CD that contains all the Ham related
software in SID.  Not loaded at boot, but be available to run so people
could see what is available under Linux.

I see the DX Expedition Disk as a special purpose CD, but it points the
way.  The concept of plugging in a CD and memory stick to any decent
laptop and knowing exactly what you have must be a great thing for
certain types of operations.

I think it is going the right way for you. Rein is adding more packages to the CD every day, I just made soundmodem-0.7 and baycomusb-0.10 debian packages for him.

Ed Lawson

Joop PG4I

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