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Re: clicking in cw program

Eric Krohn wrote:
I've been using the cw program from sarge (2.2-7) with sound card output.
Every dit and dah sounds with a bit of a click at the beginning and end.
It gets very annoying as the wpm increases (dits and dahs get shorter
relative to the duration of the clicks).

I don't notice it with the console output, but my builtin PC speaker is
far away and muffled by the fan noise, so I'd rather get the sound card
output working better.

Has anyone else run into this problem?  Is there a fix?

What about contacting simon baldwin, the author of unixcw? I have worked with him in the past on beta versions of unixcw and he has always been very helpful fixing things.

Simon's homepage is at http://www.geocities.com/simon_baldwin/ where you can find his e-mail address.

Maybe a low-pass filter between the sound-card and your amplifier could also eliminate clicking.

Eric Krohn KC0CAV
who needs only to pass the 5wpm code test to upgrade to Extra!

Joop PG4I

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