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Re: cwbot cwirc parrot cw_tutor.sh non-networked straight key practice

Hey Dan,

Dan Jacobson wrote:
How can I practice morse code with pcoupard's cwbot cwirc parrot
cw_tutor.sh etc. etc.

I have managed to install all of them, but don't know how to sting
them together.

You see, all I want to do is practice morse with my straight key
hooked to serial port, as the programs say I can do, however,
I want to do it _without_ an Internet connection.

I'm sorry, I thought you meant you wanted to train copying

CWBot only provides a service to help you build up your speed copying. It doesn't have anything to read what you key and tell you if it's good or not (yet).

That means I must have some kind of IRC server running or something.

If you want to run CWBot locally, without an internet connection, then yes you need to have an IRC server installed. I suggest hybrid7 personally.

who knows?  pcoupard hasn't replied to my mails.

My apologies, I'm somewhat busy these days. I do have some of suggestions though:

Firstly, unless you can already do it, I suggest you learn how to copy Morse before learning how to key. Learning how to copy 10 words per minutes reliably (which isn't fast) will take you maybe 3 weeks, while learning how to key will take you 3 hours. If you can copy, you'll be able to key almost instantly.

Secondly, it's more fun to learn with someone. If you can't go on the air, or if it daunts you, or if no other operators are willing to respond slowly, you're welcome to come on irc.freenode.net, channel #cw : there's usually folks around, most often after 20:00 gmt, and we're all willing to spend some time elmering if needed. The downside of course is that you need to be on the internet.

Thirdly, the only thing I can provide myself in the way of a program to train keying, as you know, is xcw (http://webperso.easyconnect.fr/om.the/web/xcw). I know it's not quite what you'd like, but I'm afraid I don't know of any other Linux program that will read a key or paddles from a serial port, apart CWirc. The only other program I can think of that can read a key from a serial port under Linux is CWCom, which is a Windows program, running under Wine, and this too is a program to do Morse over the internet.

Finally, I do plan on adding a script in CWBot to train keying, by analyzing timing errors and displaying them in a graph, and also a Morse hangman game. But right now I really don't have time to do anything with it, at least until the 19th of January.

Take care!

Pierre-Philippe Coupard <pcoupard@easyconnect.fr>
Software Engineer
I loathe people who keep dogs.  They are cowards who haven't got the guts
to bite people themselves.
		-- August Strindberg

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