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Re: ARRL's LoTW with Debian Sarge

Hamish Moffatt wrote:

It sounds like they've released full source code then, if you got it to
compile on your PPC. I was halft expecting a binary only solution, so
that's great news.

Yes, they are distributing source code. However, the license is not GPL, but might be DFSG-free. There is some talk in the license about redistribution and product derivation which sounds feasible, but I am not sure about point 4, 5 and 6 in the license:

4. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
must display the following acknowledgment: "This product includes
software developed by the American Radio Relay League, Incorporated for
use in the ARRL Logbook of the World project."

So, do we need to include this in the package desciption, which eventually will apear on the debian package web site (which will advertise LoTW)?

5. Products derived from or including this software may not use "Logbook
of the World" or "LoTW" or any other American Radio Relay League,
Incorporated trademarks or servicemarks in their names without prior
written permission of the ARRL.

Does this mean I cannot mention LoTW when I link a program against the lotw libraries when developing an application?

6. Use of this software does not imply endorsement by ARRL of products
derived from or including this software and vendors may not claim such

My english knowledge fails me here, what do they mean by this?

I volunteer to work on a package, but I'm out of the country for another
week so I won't be able to on it for a while, so if somebody else wants
to go ahead please do.

Good Luck with this package, I am looking forward to it. You might want to get some advise on debian-legal....

Hamish (currently in G-land).

Tried any Guinnes yet?

73 de Joop PG4I

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