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Re: no straightforward morse straight key practice in linux

The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to gmane.linux.hams as well.

>>>>> "PP" == Pierre-Philippe Coupard <pcoupard@easyconnect.fr> writes:

PP> CWirc is just one part of a larger Morse-over-IP project, it is simply
PP> the user client. To provide CW practice with it, look at CWBot
PP> (http://webperso.easyconnect.fr/om.the/web/cwbot/) : it can talk to
PP> CWirc clients, and it provices various services, including a Morse
PP> tutor that is equivalent to xcwcp, and can be extended easily to do
PP> whatever you want.

OK, thanks, I'll try it.  (I won't be using the chat part, as I
connect just a few minutes a day via modem.)

PP> Please note that xcw was the test codebase for CWirc. Its decoder is
PP> out of date, compared to CWirc's, and so is its sound routine. I need
PP> to update it but I have no time at the moment.

OK, I would put prominent warnings to that effect on the xcw site and docs.

PP> Eventually my plan is to merge xcw and CWirc. All the suggestions you
PP> sent me will be taken care of naturally then.

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