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Re: TLF and European HF Championship / v. available

On Sat, Jul 13, 2002 at 05:26:23PM +0200, Rein wrote:

>  fixed the cabrillo output for wysiwyg and added MIXED capability.
> I would be delighted if you could do some testing before the contest :-)

I wanted to try out the latest stuff on the IARU contest this weekend,
but the new computer doesn't like r.f. getting into the keyboard!  It
worked fine with the old box except occasionally on 10 meters.  I guess
it's time to do some improved grounding.  

Hopefully I'll get my new multi-band vertical up and the grounding
fixed in time to use TLF in the IOTA contest in a couple of weeks. 

I'll have to adjust the scoring by hand, as the rules are a bit
different than normal DX contests and logcfg.dat can't really handle
it.  This will still be easier than completely transcribing a paper log
into a Cabrillo file.

The IARU had some different rules also (society HQ stations were only
one point, but counted as an additional multiplier).

73, Bob N7XY 

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