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Re: TLF and European HF Championship

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El Vie 12 Jul 2002 08:36, Rein escribió:

> The EU HF championship is not the same as the SPRINT.  I will have a look
> at the rules this weekend to make tlf support it...
Maybe, a good thing would be a "for idiots document" with all the info to 
"make tlf to support your own contest" ;-)
You could save a lot of time with that... just an idea.

> > I will be on contest that day (only 12 hour contest) to test the tlf
> > capabilities on a real contest in advance of the CQ WW 2002 of October.
> I have used tlf for 2 years now during the CQWW, with fb results..
Next CQWW i still don't know if i will be in a single, a multi/single or a 
multi/multi... X'DDD

> I am working on a UDP networking scheme to send qso data from one station
> to the other (like CT does). This will mean every station has the full log
> for checking, duping and scoring.
Have you written any doc about that?

- -- 
Un saludo,
	Jaime Robles, EA4TV

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