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Re: What shall we call it?

On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 09:05:49AM +0200, Jaime Robles wrote:
> El Friday 26 April 2002 00:48, Mark escribió:
> > On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 08:18:29AM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> > > Hmm.. well I don't see the need to set the name just to avoid silly
> > > prejuidices.. but I suppose I'm not the target user for this
> > > distribution.>
> > I think debian has a pretty good reputation.

> Debian has a really good reputation but Debian has also the reputationof
> being a "difficult" distro for newbi especially because of the "tex-mode"
> install... i think.  On the other hand... why not? It is a Debian based
> so... why not Debian-Ham-X or something like that wher X is  "contest",
> "dxcluster", and so on...

Unfortunately, as I've been using Debian for many years (it was the first
Linux distro I tried, since I found the 'free software' position highly
compelling), I can't really comment on ease or difficulty of install.

I tend to find that Debian installs painlessly, but it doesn't necessarily
look pretty whilst it's doing it.  I personally prefer to see what's
going on, rather than watch a pretty picture or play tetris or whatever,
it's just a confidence thing, but it seems that many people believe that
if it's working "properly", then you shouldn't see anything.

Maybe it should be called 'easy-Debian-ham' :-)

Mark Kent

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