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Digital BASH Update

I thought this was particularly appropriate for this list given Bdale's recent notoriety in Debian circles :-).

We're very happy to announce that Bdale Garbe, KB0G, will be the keynote
speaker at the TAPR/MVFMA Digital BASH on Friday evening at Hamvention.

Bdale is one of the long-time "good guys" in the digital radio and amateur
satellite worlds.  He was in the middle of the early work on KA9Q's "NET"
and "NOS" programs, pioneered megabit-rate packet radio, and in the
satellite world was heavily involved in the RUDAK and AO-40 GPS
experiments.  Back in the Old Days, he was a board member and Vice
President of TAPR, and remains one of TAPR's best friends.  On a different
front, Bdale was just elected as Debian Project Leader, so he now oversees
one of the major Linux distributions -- and the one that is by far the most
ham-friendly.  Bdale works in the Linux development group at HP, and in his
spare (?) time does VHF/UHF/microwave contesting and roaming.

Bdale's talk will blend all of these interests into an entertaining and
informative presentation titled "From Bits in the Basement to Debian -- and
Back Again".

You can find more information about the Digital BASH and TAPR's other
Hamvention activities at http://www.tapr.org/tapr/dayton/.

See you there!


John Ackermann    N8UR         jra@febo.com     http://www.febo.com
President, TAPR                n8ur@tapr.org    http://www.tapr.org

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