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Re: About TLF... quick ideas

* Jaime Robles <jaime@robles.nu> [2002 Apr 23 06:06 -0500]:
> Others:
> We should try to make a GOOD update before the BIG contests (CQWPX CQWW) with 
> the rules, points... to test in the "real battle field" ;-)

Although short notice and mainly of interest to those of use in North
America is ARRL Field Day which takes place the fourth weekend in June.
FD has a mind bending set of rules that divide entrants into quite a
number of classes plus there are several ways to score bonus points.
There are no multipliers for QSOs like in other 'tests, but one does get
to multiply the total QSO score by a multiplier based on the output

Complete rules are at:


FD is very popular in the USA and Canada and would be a good test of
CX/TLF's robustness.  Since many of the field operations rely on
portable generators to operate the rigs and computers, power failures
can be expected to happen at the most inconvenient times.  One thing I
have come to appreciate about CT is that through power outages and what
not, I have never had the program corrupt a log or lose a bunch of log
data.  At most what has been lost is the QSO on the entry line.

Now, this points up a fundamental difference between Linux and DOS.  By
default the Linux kernel doesn't flush the disk writes immediately.  I
think for maximum reliability the contest logging distro should be
configured for immediate disk writes.  Would the use of a journaling
filesystem such as ext3 solve this problem?

Another 'test coming up soon is the IARU HF Championship in July.
Complete rules are at:



73, de Nate >>

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