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About TLF... quick ideas

Good thigs about TLF:
The ";" command to include a note in the log is very practical to keep things 
you may want to remember during the contest. It is QUICK!
The ":view" seems to be practical to view the log.

"Bad" things about TLF:
The "@" command to edit the last QSO... personally i think the way to edit 
previous QSOs in
CT is better... just using the "up/down" arrow and editing.
There is NO control/check about the calls entered and you can enter "words"... 
without numbers

We should try to make a GOOD update before the BIG contests (CQWPX CQWW) with 
the rules, points... to test in the "real battle field" ;-)
Maybe one people could be asigned to keep one contest updated... :-?
The posibility to create the "CABRILLO" log file is necesary in any contest 

Un saludo,
	Jaime Robles, EA4TV

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