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Re: Contest software

On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 10:50:33AM +0200, Jaime Robles wrote:
> El Friday 19 April 2002 09:49, Peter Lemken escribi?:
> > And a good system for logging in general. Logging for everyday DXing and
> > ragchewing is the only reason I still have WINE on my system (for "Logger"
> > by Robert Furzer).
> X'DD That is the only reason for me to keep a "pen&paper" log ;-)
> > BTW, with all the problems CT and other contest loggers have with real time
> > keying under Win2k, a small Linux system for contests would make many
> > amateurs and contesters in particular consider Linux as an alternative for
> > their ham activities. After all, who wants to carry along a high-end
> > computer just for contest logging?
> Well, what about CX?
> I have been with "experienced" contester (EA4URE and other contesters) and 
> they LOVE CT just because it works and does exactly what it is expected.... 
> it works with OLD computers... and it is updated.
> if we want to use Linux for contesting we should keep ALL the data bases 
> updated, country, contest rules/points...
> The front-end is also VERY important for a contester, it HAS to ve quick and 
> easy to use...
> Improving CX may be a really good idea (maybe you have speak about it before, 
> but i have just arrived) O:-)

I have been on the list for a long time and this is the first I have
heard of CX.  Is it still being developed at all?  The CVS files don't
seem to have been updated in ~9 months. 

Are there other contest-oriented alternatives?


Bob Nielsen, N7XY                          nielsen@oz.net
Bainbridge Island, WA                      http://www.oz.net/~nielsen
IOTA NA-065, USI WA-028S 

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