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Re: Giving away packages

On Wed, Apr 17, 2002 at 08:23:29PM +0200, Joop Stakenborg wrote:

> For you fellow developers, interested in hamradio on debian, I would like to 
> give away packages, if anyone is interested. If not, I will keep on 
> maintaining them.
> They are:
> fbb and fbbdoc, qgrid, qsstv

I can adopt these.
> They are all bug-free, except for a bug in qsstv on the hppa architecture, 
> which can't be fixed until libqt3 is compiled with the gcc-3.0 compilers on 
> i386 (which is needed to evaluate the bug).

Also there is a new version 5.1 and I could even compile on i386... Ill talk
to the upstream... 

> Joop PA4TU


Carlos Barros.

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