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Re: HELP: soundmodem & keying rig

Bob Billson wrote:

> It would be nice to log into the remote machine via SSH.  I'm not sure how
> well that will work over amprnet, but that's part of the experiment. :-)

It works just fine, slowly, but just fine. Make sure you use the compression
option and set compression level to 9 to maximise benefit.

> Those are some ideas I had.  Are you (or anyone here) aware of apps I
> should check out?  I don't mind writing and sharing my own, but why
> reinvent the wheel. :-)

I recommend playing with what's readily available (Debian packages) and then
taking a broader look (http://radio.linux.org.au/) and then contributing some
software of your own :) Why stop at one?


Radio Free Penguin: http://radio.linux.org.au/

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