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Re: AX25 not work!

Am Mit, 12 Jul 2000 schrieb Zelezen E. Egon:
>Hay ...
>Sri for bad english!

No problem, we understand many languages ;-)

>In my PC is Debian 2.2  kernel 2.2.15
>Kernel kompail + ax25 OK.
>Ax25 ist not as modules!
>I put axports to :
>/etc/ax25/axports     and

For what do you need /usr/local?

Have tried out if the device ax0 is there? Do you
have a script, which gives ax0 an ip-adress as well an a
MAC-Adress (e.g. your callsign?)

Try 'ifconfig ax0' as root and watch the output.
If there is no device ax0 you have to create it
using ifconfig. 

>Problem nr. 2
>Dis ist from start PC ....how change dis problem!
> more uresolved 
>depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.15/misc/serial.o
>depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.15/misc/sgalaxy.o

How did you install your new kernel? Did you create it with
make-krlp (or what was the name of this programm, sorry, I'am
working on a SuSE-System at the moment).

|Michael Renner      E-mail: michael.renner@gmx.de    |
|D-72072 Tuebingen   Germany                          |
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|Don't drink as root!                            ESC:wq

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