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Re: Looking to help

On Mon, 2021-05-03 at 22:26 -0400, Joshua Brickel wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking to see if I can help strengthen one area of the debian
> distribution.  

Always great to see someone volunteer to help Debian. :-)

>  That is its ability to support mulit-seat environments.  I have a
> computer with two video cards set up as a two seat system, but I am
> finding bullseye to be quite buggy with regards to multi-seat.  I'm
> not sure if this is due to gnome or systemd/logind.  But I would be
> happy to run tests and provide log files to help resolve these issues
> and try and determine what is going wrong.  Issues I have found
> include:
> When one seat is active (being used) but the other seat is left alone
> for long enough (timeout period) the system has a tendency to
> suspend, seemingly based on the seat not being used.  I know
> gnome has gsd-power, but I think it interacts with logind on some
> level.  
> Sometimes the seat with two monitors keeps going blank/black on the
> screen, but any mouse or keyboard stroke seems to wake it up.  This
> is even if the seat is being actively used.
> When one logs in on the second seat, the first seat often is put into
> screen lock mode (if it is being actively used at the time).  
> If these issues are something your team would like to fix, or at
> least determine if they are really gnome issues, I would be happy to
> try and test ideas out for you, as well as take and send logs back. 
> I am not a professional programmer, but I have done some light
> programming tasks throughout my career.  
> Let me know if I can be of any service to your team.

Do you think these issues should go to the debian-gtk-gnome team? Or
should they go upstream to GNOME directly? Do you have any concrete
error messages or log files that go with your issues? Those can be a
useful source of information.



> Regards,
> Joshua

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