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Re: looking for remaining gnome 3.8 packages for the GNOME 3.8 transition to complete.

Bruno Maximo e Melo <brunosonic@gmail.com> writes:

> I know, I use Gnome on kFreeBSD and it has various problems, and I wanna
> know what will you do about it?

Perhaps you're unaware of the nuance – I'm guessing English is not your
native language – but the above sentence comes across as very demanding
of a community of volunteers.

In this case, “you” includes you also, as you are interested in GNOME on
Debian GNU/kFreeBSD. What are you going to do about it?

Are there others interested in GNOME on kFreeBSD whom you can work with
to improve it? Where have you looked to find such people?

Here, “improve” can mean anything from fixing bugs to triaging existing
bug reports to funding development to organising volunteers, with
friendly assistance rather than demands.

 \       “Everything you read in newspapers is absolutely true, except |
  `\        for that rare story of which you happen to have first-hand |
_o__)                                         knowledge.” —Erwin Knoll |
Ben Finney

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