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Re: Compiz doesn't start when I log in

On Wed, 2008-07-09 at 09:05 -0400, Adam C Powell IV wrote:
> Greetings,
> Compiz doesn't work when I log out (and kill all remaining processes I
> own) and log back in.  The screen blinks a couple of times, but there's
> no window manager.
> .xsession-errors shows several repeats of:
> /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Fatal: GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is missing
> /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Failed to manage screen: 0
> /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :0.0
> However, when I run "compiz &" from the command line, it works
> perfectly.  Why would that be?

Because compiz.real (the actual compiz binary) only sees the
GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap extension if the LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1
environment variable is set, which is done by the /usr/bin/compiz
wrapper script.

> But running the compiz.real CloneCommand instead of "compiz &" fails in
> the same way as shown above.
> How can I add whatever magic is in /usr/bin/compiz to make this work
> from the session manager, so I don't have to run it from the command
> line?

Probably by somehow making the session manager call the wrapper script
instead of the actual binary.

Earthling Michel Dänzer           |          http://tungstengraphics.com
Libre software enthusiast         |          Debian, X and DRI developer

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