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Re: Mounting USB disks

Hi all,

I've got more info on this matter.

I tried to run gnome-mount directly:
gnome-mount -d /dev/sdb1

And it said "You are not privileged to mount the volume 'XXX'"

This is strange. I'm already in the group plugdev. Running gnome-mount
as root is also failed with the same message.

Installing pmount again and running it manually is working, 'though.

Regarding libeel2, I've already got the 2.18 version.

Anyone has an idea?
Thanks in advance.

All the best.

ps: Please cc me in replies, I'm not subscribed to this list.

On 5/24/07, arief@gmail <arief.utama@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

Since etch released and unstable became "unstable" again (which is
great for me), I no longer have automounting work for USB disks, or
other pluggable devices.

pmount work, though.

I'm using debian unstable's GNOME, with Clearlooks + Tango theme. If
more informations required, I'll be happy to provide them.

Any hints? Thanks in advance.

Please cc-me on replies, I'm not subscribed to this list.

All the best.

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