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Re: Full Disk (or Disk Space) Notification ?

Hello Roberto,

On 2/27/06, ROBERTOJIMENOCA@terra.es <ROBERTOJIMENOCA@terra.es> wrote:
> Luis M wrote:
> > This is now done by Gnome 2.13. But I don't think there is a Debian
> > package for that yet. The new release of Ubuntu (Dapper) will have it
> > on (to be released this March).
> >
> > I'm using that now with the Xgl server enabled as well as other
> > wonderful things ...
> I don't care too much about Xgl server.
> For me usability and productivity goes first, rather that eye candy.

Hold your horses. I was just trying to help. What I said is that "I"
had them enabled. Not that you need it or that everybody else should.
Xgl is really buggy at this moment and not for production, or general
consumption use, yet -- and that might take a long while as well. I
run very stable boxes for workstations (Sarge,Breezy), very stable
boxes for server stuff (Sarge), and other kinds of things for dev
boxes (experimental, unstable, dapper).

Usability and productivity is defined accordingly with the beliefs of
the person you ask. For me is very "usable" to have a desktop that
matches what my brain understands as "objects". Xgl gives some of that
by allowing things to look right (fooling the brain into thinking that
they are actually objects with physical properties). Productivity with
Xgl? probably down the drain if you keep spinning that nice 3d cube
all day long ;-) But the same goes if you have mutt install in your
computer, or if you use vi to read files. (unless you are a well
versed computer person, in which case you would argue that vi let's
you be more productive than OOo or that mutt is more productive than
Evolution/Kmail or whatever). Or if you keep games in your
"production" boxes (solitare, minesweeper, whatever, people get fired
from jobs for playing those all the time).

> > You might see that in Debian next year, when the next stable release
> > is completed.
> So, If I want this feature either I move to Ubuntu or I start compiling
> my own GNOME 2.13 Debian packages, right?

Right, but if you are serious about your stable boxes, you would just
wait for a few more years until Etch is released and -r1 revision of
it is released. Then it will be really rock solid.

Instead of compiling Gnome, you might want to join the pkg-gnome dev
mailing list(s) and start submitting patches to them for whatever
things they need done. That will surely make your disk checks get to
your stable box faster. ;-)

Luis Mondesi
System Administrator

"We think basically you watch television to turn your brain off, and
you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on" --
Steve Jobs in an interview for MacWorld Magazine 2004-Feb

No .doc: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html

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