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Re: how do I change key bindings for text widgets in gtk2?

If you run Nautilus you can point it to preferences:/// and then start
the "Keyboard Shortcuts" tool. On top there is a drop-down thingie that
lets you choose "Emacs".


On Thu, Aug 05, 2004 at 08:57:08AM +0200, Jörgen Hägg wrote:
>There seems to be a new set of key bindings for any text input
>in gtk2. One example is ctrl-a that previously moved the cursor
>to the beginning of the text, now it selects the text instead.
>Since I'm not running Gnome (afterstep) I thought maybe there
>is a tool in Gnome that does this for a Gnome user.
>Or is it up to the application to set the default bindings?
>Somehow I suspect there is a central configuration of this but I've
>not found it yet.
>Can anyone please shed some light on this?

Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)

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