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Re: gnome-terminal antialiasing (was: Settings Daemon error)


Shot, on debian-gtk-gnome:

> http://shot.pl/debian/gnome-terminal.png
> As you can see, the text in the gnome-terminal is antialiased, while
> the font selector dialog shows that at size 8 it shouldn't be.

For the record: bitmapped fonts, like Fixed or Clean, are, not
surprisingly, not antialiased - so switching to one can be a solution
for the time being (and it seems I might even stay with Fixed 9 longer).
Also, there has been a bug[1] #251355 filed to the BTS (which I Cc: now).

[1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=251355

-- Shot (Piotr Szotkowski)
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