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  A few months ago, I started thinking about how good it would be to
have Debian packages of gnome cvs (or at least developmental snapshots),
rather than having to compile everything using garnome or jh_build

My initial ideas were to repackage everything with simplicity in mind.
Some of these ideas have been successful, others not so successful. 
I now have packages of some parts of gnome, but it will be quite a while
before these are actually usable. I'm now asking for anyone who is
interested in snapshot packages to help modify the packages to make them

- All packages have additional update and regenerate debian/rules targets to
  update the package to cvs or rebuild the package from cvs. This is
  a very simple system and makes the job of building the packages
  regularly far easier. (updates both source from gnome and debian files
  from gnome-snapshot.alioth )
- Managing all packages debian files in cvs. Might sound stupid, but
  having a single packages directory from where anything can be
  changed made things a whole lot easier. e.g. changing the arguments to
  autogen.sh in all packages was done in a single command.
- Simple rules files. These currently are just a few includes. Makes the
  packages a lot easier to maintain. I hope to extend this so that more
  is done automatically. e.g. look for files and include cdbs modules
  only where needed; run autogen when needed; generate package
  descriptions based on README files

Not so successful:
- having a single package per module in cvs (i.e. no separate -dev, -doc
  packages  -- developers generally want everything); using package
  names form gnome cvs. I thought this would make things a lot easier,
  but it just resulted in hassle when trying to actually install the
  packages. Perhaps it would be possible if more cvs packages were
  available and so I didn't have to install conflicting cvs and normal

If anybody is interested in helping, please let me know. I'll arrange
for you to have access to cvs and some way of getting packages rebuilt
when you change things. 

I know some of the ideas I've had so far about this have been strange.
Please don't let that put you off.

  .''`. Mark Howard
 : :' :
 `. `'  http://www.tildemh.com 
   `-   mh@debian.org | mh@tildemh.com | mh344@cam.ac.uk 

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