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Evolution, calendrier & dates


  I just tried to print (with my French locale) a weekly page of
  calendar from within Evolution, and surprise (shock), the format
  is the exact translation (in French) of
  Monday 10th, November 2003
  (that is Monday 10ème, Novembre 2003)(and note that even this is
  contrary to normal French typographic rules, it should be 10e).

  Well, for public display where I work, it just doesn't fit.

  I checked the code, and the format is indeed hardcoded. It doesn't
  even try to use the %x option of strftime (it correctly uses strftime
  to translate, however, the format is something like "%A 10th, %m %Y"
  with a hardcoded lookup table for ordinals between 1 and 31).

  That is ugly. Even the Chicago manual of style recommands using
  %m %d to point at a specific day, and %x is the simple and efficient
  %d/%m/%Y (or %m/%d/%Y according to the en_GB/en_US=C locale).

  The point of my (lengthy) mail:
    I will, in time, submit this to the main evolution development team.
  However, in the meantime, should I send a bug to bugs.debian.org with
  a patch ? Could it be integrated as an out of sequence debian release?

  I personnaly think it is normal bug, due to the ugliness.

Jean-Christophe Dubacq

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