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Arrgh! Nautilus stalled again?!?


I just visited http://bjorn.haxx.se/debian/testing.pl?package=nautilus 

    * nautilus is waiting for libxml2
          o Updating libxml2 makes 2 packages uninstallable on alpha:
          libxslt1-python2.2, rubrica
    * Updating nautilus makes 3 packages uninstallable on m68k:
          libnautilus2-2, libnautilus2-dev, nautilus

Now, does that mean that nautilus is stalled again unless someone
manually overrides these conflicts? Rubrica is pretty much alpha
quality software. Temporary removing it from testing should be an
acceptable choice!

For libxslt1-python2.2 I read:

libxslt1-python2.2  is confusing ( in unstable, 1.0.30-3 in testing)

Now, what the heck is this?


~/.signature under construction

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