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GNOME 2.2.2 summary 15/07/2003


2.2.2 is out.

For m68k packages, gcc seems to produce broken binaries. I did a try to
see what wrong with gconftoll-2, but under gdb, gdb segfault itself, then
this is very hard to find the problem.

A strace show that gconftool-2 segfault when reading the schemas
file. May be this is also related to the scrollkeeper m68k  bug reported
by Ross here.

I see also a segfault with the fontconfig postinst script.

I really don't know what we can do to solve these m68k problems.


              Gnome 2.2.2 packages                
| |Package name        |Current|Debian |Comments|
| |                    |release|release|        |
|x|atk                 |1.2.4  |1.2.4  |        |
|o|at-spi              |1.2.1  |1.1.9  |        |
|o|bonobo-activation   |2.2.3  |2.2.2  |        |
|x|bug-buddy           |2.2.0  |2.2.0  |        |
|x|control-center      |2.2.1  |2.2.1  |        |
|x|eog                 |2.2.2  |2.2.2  |        |
|x|esound              |0.2.29 |0.2.29 |        |
|o|file-roller         |2.2.5  |2.3.0  |        |
|x|gail                |1.2.2  |1.2.2  |        |
|x|gconf               |2.2.1  |2.2.1  |        |
|x|gconfmm             |2.0.0  |2.0.0  |        |
|o|gconf-editor        |0.4.1  |0.4.0  |        |
|o|gdm                 |||        |
|o|gedit               |2.2.2  |2.2.1  |        |
|x|ghex                |2.2.1  |2.2.1  |        |
|o|gnome-gv            |2.0.1  |2.0.0  |        |
|x|glade-2             |2.0.0  |2.0.0  |        |
|x|glib                |2.2.2  |2.2.2  |        |
|x|gnome-applets       |2.2.2  |2.2.2  |        |
|x|gnome-audio         |2.0.0  |2.0.0  |        |
|x|gnome-common        |1.2.4  |1.2.4  |        |
|x|gnome-desktop       |2.2.2  |2.2.2  |        |
|x|gnome-games         |2.2.1  |2.2.1  |        |
|o|gnome-media         |2.2.2  ||        |
|o|gnome-mime-data     |2.2.0  |2.3.0  |        |
|x|gnome-panel         |||        |
|o|gnome-pim           |1.91.1 |1.4.9  |        |
|x|gnome-session       |2.2.2  |2.2.2  |        |
|x|gnome-system-monitor|2.3.0  |2.3.0  |        |
|x|gnome-terminal      |2.2.2  |2.2.2  |        |
|o|gnome-utils         |2.2.3  |2.2.1  |        |
|x|gnome2-user-docs    |2.0.6  |2.0.6  |        |
|x|gnumeric            |1.1.19 |1.1.19 |        |
|x|gstreamer           |0.6.2  |0.6.2  |        |
|x|gtetrinet           |0.7.3  |0.7.3  |        |
|x|gtk+                |2.2.2  |2.2.2  |        |
|x|gtk-doc-tools       |1.0    |1.0    |        |
|x|gtk2-engines        |2.2.0  |2.2.0  |        |
|x|intltool            |0.26   |0.26   |        |
|x|libart_lgpl         |2.3.13 |2.3.13 |        |
|x|libbonobo           |2.2.3  |2.2.3  |        |
|x|libbonoboui         |2.2.2  |2.2.2  |        |
|x|libgail-gnome       |1.0.2  |1.0.2  |        |
|x|libgal2             |0.0.7  |0.0.7  |        |
|x|libglade            |2.0.1  |2.0.1  |        |
|x|libgnome            |2.2.3  |2.2.3  |        |
|x|libgnomecanvas      |2.2.1  |2.2.1  |        |
|x|libgnomecanvasmm    |2.0.0  |2.0.0  |        |
|x|libgnomemm          |1.3.9  |1.3.9  |        |
|x|libgnomeprint       |||        |
|x|libgnomeprintui     |||        |
|x|libgnomeui          |2.2.2  |2.2.2  |        |
|x|libgnomeuimm        |1.3.15 |1.3.15 |        |
|x|libgnome-vfs        |2.2.5  |2.2.5  |        |
|x|libgsf              |1.8.1  |1.8.1  |        |
|x|libgtkhtml          |2.2.4  |2.2.4  |        |
|x|Libgtkmm            |2.2.0  |2.2.0  |        |
|x|libgtop             |2.0.2  |2.0.2  |        |
|x|libidl              |0.8.0  |0.8.0  |        |
|x|librep              |0.16.1 |0.16.1 |        |
|x|librsvg             |2.2.5  |2.2.5  |        |
|x|libvte              |0.10.29|0.10.29|        |
|x|libwnck             |2.2.2  |2.2.2  |        |
|o|libxml2             |2.5.8  |2.5.7  |        |
|o|libxslt             |1.0.31 |1.0.30 |        |
|x|linc                |1.0.3  |1.0.3  |        |
|x|mergeant            |0.12.1 |0.12.1 |        |
|x|metacity            |2.4.55 |2.4.55 |        |
|x|nautilus            |2.2.4  |2.2.4  |        |
|x|orbit2              |2.6.2  |2.6.2  |        |
|x|pango               |1.2.3  |1.2.3  |        |
|x|pkgconfig           |0.15.0 |0.15.0 |        |
|x|python-gtk2         |1.99.16|1.99.16|        |
|x|rep-gtk             |0.17   |0.17   |        |
|x|sawfish             |1.3    |1.3    |        |
|x|scrollkeeper        |0.3.12 |0.3.12 |        |
|x|yelp                |2.2.3  |2.2.3  |        |

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