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Re: Crux & icon themes

<quote who="Filip Van Raemdonck">

> The chances that he doesn't have any GTK apps installed are small, I know.
> But if he does, and he wants to use a *Step looking alike GTK theme, yet
> use the Aqua icon theme (yea, he has a bad taste for combination ;-) then
> why should he have to install the pixmap engine?  (which is what most Aqua
> GTK themes use AFAIK)

Dunno, up to you guys if you want to handle that maintenance cost.

> Are metathemes to become the default way of picking themes? Will it still
> be possible for a user to choose different metacity, GTK and icon themes?
> (Which I'm sure of *I'll* want even if I don't use GNUStep)

You can change them to whatever you want, and you can save your custom
changes to metathemes too.

- Jeff

    "Lord, thy one-liners are as good as thy tricks. Thou art indeed an     
         all-round family entertainer." - Rowan Atkinson, Nazareth          

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