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A quick upgarde report

Hello all,

I just upgraded a box from woody to sid.  This box had 3 user accounts
with Gnome 1.4 as their WM/DE.  All 3 passed throught the upgrade with
minimal pain, thanks to your hard work on the upgrade scripts.

Only complaints:

(consistent - all 3) clock on panel lost after upgrade 
            gmc didn't interface very neatly with the newer sawfish or
            gnome-session - scrapped and replaced with nautilus.  Much

(common - 2 out of 3) lost workspace switcher (I believe because of the 
            change from viewports to workspaces, although the users fixed 
            it before I investigated)

            Reported loss of other applets (slashdot applet, weather
            applet, keyboard switcher app)  At least the slashdot applet
            going missing seems to be because it is indeed, no longer
            available.  I am unclear on why the others disappeared,
            although there are no problems after adding them back in.

Overall, great job folks!  I made this transition on my laptop before
there were the upgrade scripts, and I basically had to scrap my old
settings and start over.  You've made it quite a bit easier.  Thanks
|  Stephen Gran                  | Marriage is the sole cause of divorce.  |
|  steve@lobefin.net             |                                         |
|  http://www.lobefin.net/~steve |                                         |

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