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Re: Anti-aliased fonts issues

Nick Monkman wrote:

> When I choose any smoothing option other than Monochrome, fonts look
> great, nice and smooth, except for a few serious problems: With many
> fonts, the letters "k" and "x" lose a few too many pixels. Also,
> against dark backgrounds (webpages like www.flipcode.com or
> www.linuxgames.com) the text can be very hard to read.

Sub-optimal rendering on dark backgrounds is a known problem with
freetype.  I understand that this could be fixed in a future version of
freetype with improved gamma correction.

I find that the ttf-bitstream-vera fonts do a great job of reading well
against all backgrounds (not surprising, since they were professionally
designed and optimized for on-screen viewing with freetype/X11).  For my
terminals, where I use light-on-dark lettering, I use either Vera Sans
Mono or a bitmap font like Adobe Helvetica.

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