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Re: How to modify the font of an application ?

On Wed, 09 Jul 2003 21:42:27 +0200, Zsolt Koppany wrote:

> Hi,
> how do I have to modify the file .gtkrc-2.0 (see below) to modify the font
> of the application "eclipse" but not all other applications?
> style "eclipse"
> {
>     font_name = "Sans 9"
> }
> class "GtkWidget" style "eclipse"

I don't know wether there is an "official way" to do this,
but what you could do is save your modified gtkrc file to
a different place and set some shell variables
to tell gtk to use it instead of $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0 with
your application...:

 GTK_RC_FILES=/path/to/different/gtkrc 	for gtk+-1.x applications
 GTK2_RC_FILES=/path/to/different/gtkrc for gtk+-2.x applications

(to still use the same theme like your other GTK applications,
you may add something like
 include "/usr/share/themes/<your-favourite-theme>/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"
in front of your customized gtkrc file four your specific application.)

However, Gnome's application launchers doesn't seem to support
setting of shell variables, so you might have to create a small
shell script and start this script from the "Command:" field instead.
something like this:


export GTK2_RC_FILES=/home/<you>/eclipse.gtkrc


that might do the trick


| fabian bruns | eMail: fab.b(at)gmx.net | ICQ: 30934149
| Microsoft is not the answer.
| Microsoft is the question. The answer is no.
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